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The new ground zero for pipeline development in this country is driving south through Virginia and into North Carolina. Here’s an update on both the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and the extension of the Mountain Valley Pipeline in the State of North Carolina.
Atlantic Coast Pipeline: Update
Provided by Marvin Winstead
Several weeks ago the ACP companies requested permission from FERC to voluntarily stop construction of the proposed ACP, this request followed the loss of several permits required to go forward with construction, a total of 7 permits have been withdrawn. The loss of permits were the result of 4th Circuit Court of Appeals rulings on lawsuits filed by the Southern Environmental Law Center on behalf of the Sierra Club, Appalachian Voices and other environmental groups. Two key permits that were pulled were the permit from the National Park Service to allow horizontal directional drilling (HDD) underneath the Appalachian Trail and the permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to allow incidental taking of endangered species along the proposed route.

Mountain Valley Pipeline Southgate: Update
We are working to lobby local governments again this month- Graham/ Haw River/ Green Level/ Burlington/ Alamance/ Rockingham. Counties and municipalities with delegated stormwater programs (Alamance, Graham, Burlington) will have the authority over the stormwater permit for the MVP Southgate project. Alamance has signed a county wide resolution to oppose the project.
Environmental Impact Statement has been delayed until May.
MVP Southgate attorneys are beginning to pressure landowners to sign easement agreements. On February 17th, we learned that several people had received house visits and phone calls pressuring them to sign a twelve page legal document. When the landowners requested a copy before the meeting, the MVP Southgate attorneys denied that request, stating that it must be handled in person. This one on one interaction puts landowners in a vulnerable situation. We are working with the NC Department of Justice to determine what protections landowners have against this pressure.
We are working on paddle event for late April- Paddle Against the Pipeline. More information and event flyers to come soon.